Post Trauma Vision Syndrome, Visual Midline Shift Syndrome

Following a neurological event such as a traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc., it has been noted by clinicians that persons frequently will report visual problems such as seeing objects appearing to move that is known to be stationary; seeing words in a print run together, and experiencing intermittent blurring. More interesting symptoms are sometimes reported, such as attempting to walk on a floor that appears tilted and having significant difficulties with balance and spatial orientation when in crowded moving environments. These types of symptoms are not uncommon. Frequently, persons reporting these symptoms to eye care professionals (optometrists and ophthalmologists) have been told that their problems are not in their eyes and that their eyes appear to be healthy. What is often overlooked is dysfunction of the visual process causing one of two syndromes: Post Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS) and/or Visual Midline Shift Syndrome (VMSS).

Recent research has documented PTVS utilizing Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP). This documentation concludes that the ambient visual process frequently becomes dysfunctional after a neurological event such as a TBI or CVA. Persons can often have visual symptoms that are related to dysfunction between one of two visual processes: the ambient process and the focal process. These two systems are responsible for the ability to organize ourselves in space for balance and movement, as well as to focalize on detail such as looking at a traffic light. Post Trauma Vision Syndrome results when there is dysfunction between the ambient and focal process causing the person to over emphasize the details. Essentially individuals with PTVS begin to look at paragraphs of print almost as isolated letters on a page and have great difficulty organizing their reading ability. It has been found that the use of prisms and binasal occlusion can effectively demonstrate functional improvement, while also being documented on brain wave studies by increasing the amplitude (this is like turning up the volume on your radio).

Visual Midline Shift Syndrome also results from dysfunction of the ambient visual process. It is caused by distortions of the spatial system causing the individual to misperceive their position in their spatial environment. This causes a shift in the concept of their perceived visual midline. This will frequently cause the person to lean to one side, forward and/or backward. It frequently can occur in conjunction with individuals that have had a hemiparesis (paralysis to one side following a TBI or CVA).

The shifting concept of visual midline actually reinforces the paralysis, by using a specially designed special lens that can be prescribed, the midline is shifted to a more centered position thereby enabling individuals to frequently begin weight bearing on their affected side. This works very effectively in conjunction with physical and occupational therapy attempting to rehabilitate weight bearing for ambulation.

Board Certified Neuro-Developmental & Behavioral Optometrists like, are health professionals who are expertly trained in Post Trauma Vision Syndrome and Visual Midline shift syndrome. Please contact us @ 03-2110 3967 or [email protected]


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