Understanding Aniseikonia

Aniseikonia occurs when the images seen by each eye differ in size or alignment, making it difficult for the brain to merge them effectively. 

There are two types: Static Aniseikonia, where image sizes differ between eyes, and Dynamic Aniseikonia (motion involved), where the eyes must track unevenly both vertically and laterally. 

NeuroV.Lenz are specifically designed to correct these issues, ensuring clearer and more comfortable vision.

Recognizing Aniseikonia Symptoms

Aniseikonia symptoms can vary in severity depending on its extent and individual tolerance. Traditional glasses often contribute to headaches, dizziness, eye strain, fatigue, and difficulty adapting to the lenses. Aniseikonia may also cause challenges with reading.

At SunTime | NVS, we are pursuing a research grant to study the connection between brain and aniseikonia. Below are some real-life experiences from NeuroV. Lenz patients, along with key behaviours that may indicate glasses-induced aniseikonia:

  • Difficulty viewing 3D content on TV
  • Removing glasses when reading
  • Turning the head instead of the eyes
  • Frequently taking off glasses
  • Experiencing headaches in the afternoon
  • Complaints of reduced depth perception
  • Tilting the head when looking through glasses


How Aniseikonia Affects Reading

Aniseikonia forces the brain to work harder during reading, which can pose challenges for kids who wear glasses.

Dynamic aniseikonia can make reading a struggle, especially for children learning to read. 


When glasses cause images to appear in different sizes, the brain works harder to focus on each word, and the challenge intensifies when scanning from one sentence to the next. A lens that balances image sizes is crucial. The NeuroV.Lenz effectively addresses aniseikonia, making reading easier and more comfortable.

Could your glasses be causing your headaches?

If your headaches start in the morning, they’re likely unrelated to your glasses. However, if you develop headaches after wearing your glasses for a few hours, they may be causing aniseikonia—a known trigger for headaches. NeuroV. Lenz are designed to correct aniseikonia and provide relief.

Can’t enjoy 3D movies/games?

A recent study found that 12% of people are unable to experience 3D effects on 3D TVs. NeuroV. Lenz address this issue by correcting aniseikonia and enhancing stereopsis (binocular vision), unlocking the ability to fully enjoy 3D visuals.